Oh hey check out this auction.... 360 pairs of NOS vintage Bulova hands

Submitted by plainsmen on December 4, 2010 - 3:34am


Quite a few guys on here are always snooping around for hands.... here's a pretty good find I think.

Wayne Hanley
Posted December 4, 2010 - 11:11am

Hey Plains good tip!

 Mark gave the following info about cathedral hands just recently:

A tad of info about Cathedral Hands I recently learned from a horologist that may help in the hunt for hands. Parts of this era were packaged in off white or almost light Yellow packages. Not the Blues and Pinks or bright Whites commonly seen on ebay, those parts were packaged in the late 30's '40's and on. I almost rolled the dice on a 100 package mixed lot of 'vintage' Bulova hands, with hope lol, until the Seller passed on this morsel of knowledge.



Posted December 5, 2010 - 2:16am

These will al be late 30, 40 and 50 style.

I hope that if anyone is lucky enough to find a good batch of 1920's Bulova hands that they will consider giving myBulova.com members  a discount :-)


Posted December 5, 2010 - 9:25am

A word of warning on this seller though. I once purchased a Bulova watch from them, the dials have a very poor refinish, indeed the Bulova signature is printed on a thin bit of what looks like sticky tape and stuck on the dial, not directly printed. In fact I inadvertantly bought another from one seller that came from these and it was exactly the same. I did query this with the seller but was told they finish to the best of their ability!

 Worth noting and taking a very close look at the dials, some may not be done this way but just a heads up.